Starting today, all Chrome users will start seeing improvements to omnibox suggestions based on the recency of websites you visited, resulting in more timely and contextually relevant suggestions. Mac users will also receive support for rich notifications, so you can keep up with what’s happening within your apps and extensions. 

And for those nostalgic for the new car smell -- maybe you, too, got overzealous with fun extensions -- we’ve added a new option to the Chrome settings page to let you restore it back to its original state. And don't worry, it won't affect your bookmarks, saved passwords and history. Here’s how to find this option:

    1. Click on this icon:
    2. Select Settings
    3. Click Show advanced settings
    4. And click on the button shown here:
On Chrome on Android, we have improved scrolling and startup performance and are introducing WebRTC support that will enable video conversation directly in the browser without a plugin. Experience it over the coming days as the update rolls out to your device.

Update August 21: edits made to correct what is disabled when opting to restore your Chrome to its original state via the new Chrome settings option.